Traveler frog Fairy Tale

Traveler frog Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a frog. It lived in a swamp. One day, it was sitting by the riverbank. Suddenly, some ducks landed on the shore. "Quite a long way to go," said one duck. "Eat quickly, then we'll fly," said another. The frog overheard this. "Excuse me, where are you flying to?" asked the frog. "We're flying south," said one duck. "Is it warm in the south?" "Yes, it's warm." "Are there many mosquitoes and insects there?" "Yes, there are plenty," replied the duck. "Then take me with you." "But you don't have wings, how will you fly?" "I don't know, but wait a moment, let me think," said the frog. The frog thought for a while and then exclaimed: "I've got it! I've got it!" "Two ducks can hold onto each end of a stick, and I'll hold onto the middle. But you mustn't quack, or I won't be able to hold on." "Alright," said the duck. And so they took off. Two ducks on either side of the stick and the frog in the middle. It was quite a sight. The children saw this. "Look at the frog, look at the frog!" the children shouted. "How interesting, the frog is flying." The frog became quite proud. "This was my idea, mine," it said, and at that moment, the frog fell into the puddle.

Category: Animals Education Frogs Birds

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