Tales about Friendship — one of the most important and meaningful parts of Kazakh folklore. Through these tales, genuine friendship, mutual support, and understanding among people are depicted.
The significance of friendship occupies a special place in Kazakh tales. In the stories, friends always support each other and overcome difficulties together. The unity of people and the theme of helping one another through the strength and essence of friendship are prominently featured.
There are many well-known tales about friendship in Kazakh folklore. For example, in the tale "Golden Saka," the friendship and trust between the characters help them overcome challenges. The importance of friendship and loyalty is also clearly demonstrated in the tale "Er Tostik."
Tales about friendship are an integral part of the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people. Through these tales, we understand the importance and essence of genuine friendship. You can read more about friendship and the tales on our website.
Бір ауылдың ортасындағы кең алаңда қыстың алғашқы күндерінде балалар аққала жасапты. Аққаланы биік етіп, әдемі безендіріпті. Оның басына ескі шеле... Read more
Once upon a time, four siblings – Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy – fled from the war in the big city and moved to the house of an old man in the villa... Read more
Once upon a time, in a distant past, there was a large village called Kunkol situated in the midst of beautiful mountains and vast plains stretching t... Read more
One day, Misha and I entered the hall where our singing class was held. Boris Sergeyevich was playing something softly on the piano. Misha and I sat b... Read more
One day, Luntik went for a walk in the forest. It was a time when the warmth of spring was shining down, and everything was sparkling. Looking at the... Read more
There was a little boy named Andy. He had many toys, but his favorite toy was a cowboy doll named Woody. Woody was old but very charming, always ready... Read more
Once upon a time, in a village, there lived two cunning and clever characters. One was named Aldar Kose, and the other was Koja Nasir. Both were known... Read more
Бір қыстақта екеуі де Клаус деп аталатын көршілер өмір сүріпті. Олардың бірінің төрт аты, ал екіншісінің жалғыз аты бар екен. Оларды бір-бірінен ажыра... Read more
Once upon a time, in a green forest, there was a small but very beautiful house. This house was located on a branch of a large tree. Standing on the b... Read more