Once upon a time, in a village, there lived two cunning and clever characters. One was named Aldar Kose, and the other was Koja Nasir. Both were known for their tricks and wits, but they were eager to meet and find out who was the cleverest of them all.
One day, Aldar Kose wrote a letter to Koja Nasir:
"Greetings, Koja Nasir! I think if we meet, we can determine who is the wisest in the village. What do you say?"
Koja Nasir read the letter and smiled. He wrote back:
"Greetings, Aldar Kose! Your proposal is very interesting. I agree. Let's meet tomorrow morning under the big tree by the market."
The next day, they met at the agreed place. All the villagers gathered to watch this contest between the two cunning individuals.
Aldar Kose spoke first:
— Koja Nasir, I am aware that you have many tricks up your sleeve, but I have a riddle. If you can solve it, I will acknowledge your cleverness. Listen to my riddle: "In the morning, I open my eyes, in the afternoon I am thirsty, in the evening I am full, at night I close my eyes. What am I?"
Koja Nasir thought for a moment and then burst out laughing:
— That's your friend, the sun! In the morning, the sun rises, it climbs high in the sky during the afternoon, and starts to set in the evening. This riddle was easy to solve!
Aldar Kose nodded in agreement with Koja Nasir:
— You are right, Koja Nasir. But I have a task for you: take my fishing rod and catch the biggest fish in the lake. But there is one condition: the fishing rod has no line!
Although Koja Nasir did not fully understand Aldar's task, he agreed without hesitation and took the rod to the lake. He sat there for a long time but caught no fish. When evening came, he returned to the village and said to Aldar:
— Aldar Kose, I tried to fulfill your task, but I couldn't catch any fish without a line.
Then Aldar Kose smiled:
— See, Koja Nasir, you didn't follow my instructions and thought simply. But I was thinking you would catch the fish with your hands or scoop the water with a bucket to catch the fish. That was my trick.
Listening to Aldar's words, Koja Nasir acknowledged his cleverness:
— You are right, Aldar Kose. Your trick surpassed mine.
Both acknowledged each other's cleverness and shook hands in friendship. From that day on, Aldar Kose and Koja Nasir became the most respected and humorous people in the village. They honored each other and went through many interesting adventures together.
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