Ерте заманда Алтын Жазық атты кең далада Арман есімді ақылды әрі әуесқой бала өмір сүріпті. Ол күнде Алтын Жазықтың әр бұрышын зерттеп, жаңа нәрселерд... Read more
Ерте-ертеде, қазақ даласында, қарлы таулар мен ақ мамық жамылған ормандар арасында, барша халықтың асыға күтетін Жаңа жыл мейрамы жақындап келе жатты.... Read more
Once upon a time, in a village, there lived a boy named Bolat who was a true hero. Bolat had a great passion for football, and his dream was to become... Read more
Once upon a time, there lived two orphans, the brother Ivanushka and his sister Alenushka. Alenushka was older than her brother. They had nothing to l... Read more
Once upon a time, in the high mountains of Scandinavia, among the ever-green forests and crystal-clear lakes, there lived a small village. The village... Read more
Once upon a time, there was a family that lived in a small house on the outskirts of a modern city. Our grandmother, Akböpe, would bake tasty baursaks... Read more
Once upon a time in a certain land, there lived a giant serpent known as the Dragon (Aydahar). It was so long and powerful that it could even surpass... Read more
The Animal Olympics held in Paris attracted many animals, including bears, ants, and rabbits. Each animal was prepared to showcase its unique abilitie... Read more
Once upon a time, there was an old and frail woman who had grown very old. She was said to be over eighty years old. One day, the woman went to the ga... Read more