In a quiet town, there lived a kind and caring father named Kairat and his son, Dauren. Dauren was a cheerful and curious boy who loved spending time outdoors, playing with his friends, and exploring the world around him. One of his dreams was to learn how to ride a bicycle.
Every morning, Dauren would watch his friends riding their bicycles in the park. He dreamed of joining them but was afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Kairat noticed how eagerly his son looked at his friends and decided it was time to teach Dauren how to ride a bicycle. One sunny morning, Kairat brought home a new, beautiful bicycle. Dauren's eyes sparkled with joy.
— Dad, is this for me? — Dauren asked excitedly.
— Yes, my son, — Kairat replied.
— Today we will learn how to ride a bicycle. Don’t be afraid, I’m right here with you. They went to a large green field where there were no cars or people. Kairat placed the bicycle on the ground and helped Dauren get on it.
— First, hold the handlebars tightly and stand straight, — Kairat said.
— I will hold you until you feel confident. Dauren gripped the handlebars tightly as Kairat began to gently push the bicycle forward. The boy felt the wind brushing against his face and started to pedal a little. Kairat walked alongside, holding onto Dauren's shoulder to prevent him from falling.
— Dad, I’m scared! — Dauren said as he felt the bicycle wobble slightly.
— Don’t be afraid, Dauren, — Kairat replied calmly.
— I’m here, right beside you. The most important thing is to remember to keep your balance and look ahead. Gradually, Dauren began to feel more confident. The bicycle wobbled a bit, and the boy started to go faster: his legs began to move quicker, and laughter and joy filled the air. Kairat let go of his son a little more, and Dauren began to ride on his own.
— Dad, I’m riding! I’m doing it by myself! — Dauren shouted with joy. Kairat smiled proudly as he watched his son riding freely and happily in the field.
— I knew you could do it, my son, — Kairat said when Dauren came back. From that day on, Dauren enjoyed riding his bicycle every day, filled with freedom and joy.
He never forgot how his father had supported him at first and always expressed gratitude to Kairat for helping him overcome his fears. Thus, Dauren learned to ride a bicycle and understood that with the support and love of his family, he could overcome any difficulties.
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