Aidar in space Fairy Tale

Aidar in space Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Aidar. He dreamed of flying to space. Every night, he would look up at the stars, wondering what secrets they held and what was beyond.

One day, Aidar received an unexpected letter from an unknown planet. The letter said:
"Aidar, we need a brave and clever boy like you! You must save our planet! You're our only hope."

Without hesitation, Aidar began preparing for his journey. He boarded a huge rocket and set off to explore distant planets. Along the way, he encountered many wonders, but the greatest challenge was facing the Meteor Dragon, who was destroying planets.

Aidar bravely approached the dragon, but instead of fighting, he said:
— Why are you destroying planets? Let's be friends!

The dragon thought for a moment. And to Aidar's surprise, the dragon agreed. No longer would the dragon cause harm; instead, he and Aidar would explore the mysteries of space together.

When Aidar returned home, he was greeted as a hero. Now, he dreamed of traveling back to space and discovering even more planets.

Category: Space Батырлар Ұлдар

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