Once upon a time, in a thick forest, there lived a bear and a fox. The bear was large and powerful, while the fox was cunning and agile.
One day, they heard about a race in the forest to see who could reach the top of the mountain first and pick a honey branch from there; that animal would be declared the winner. Both animals decided to participate.
The bear, relying on his strength, began to trample the forest landscape as he climbed, while the fox, being less powerful but more intelligent, carefully navigated through streams, leaped over rocks, and chose a winding path.
When they both finally reached the summit, the bear saw that the fox had already picked the honey branch and, astonished, asked, "Fox, how did you get here faster than me?"
The fox smiled and replied, "I knew that strength doesn't always determine everything, so I chose the right path and worked smart."
Meanwhile, the bear, exhausted from all his efforts, realized that being strong isn't the most important thing.
Since then, he has read more and stopped trying to solve everything with sheer strength.
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