Yer Töstik and the Giant Fairy Tale

Yer Töstik and the Giant Fairy Tale

Long ago, in the vast steppes, there lived a brave young boy named Yer Tonga. During his travels, he heard stories of a mysterious bird named Samruk, who could grant any wish, but no one had ever seen her.

One night, Yer Tonga saw a massive shadow covering the moon. It was the great bird Samruk, her wings stretched across the sky. She soared like a spirit of the steppes, and her eyes shimmered like stars.

Yer Tonga called out, "Great bird, I seek you to make my wish come true!" But Samruk was cautious. She descended from the sky and asked, "What is it that you wish, young one?"

The boy replied, "I wish to become a protector of my land and my people."

Samruk admired Yer Tonga’s bravery and pure heart. She flapped her mighty wings, and a powerful energy surrounded him, making him an unstoppable warrior. From that day on, Yer Tonga fought to protect his land, with Samruk always watching over him from the sky.

Category: Батырлар Құстар

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