A person who counts gold will die of hunger. Fairy Tale

A person who counts gold will die of hunger. Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, in an unknown era, there lived a poor man named Saghat, who had a dog that could only bark and no lice to speak of. One day, he was wandering aimlessly, blinded by hunger, when he decided to rest in a secluded spot. Exhausted and on the verge of sleep, he lay down, but even in his slumber, the harshness of poverty seemed to pursue him. In his dream, while fleeing from this torment, he encountered a white-haired old man whose beard reached his waist. The old man obstructed his path and said: "Awaken!" "If you walk ten steps to the right from where you are lying, you will find the remains of an old cellar. If you dig beneath the ruins of the fireplace there, you will discover the leather purse of a merchant named Suleiman. Each time you open and close the purse, you will find a gold coin inside. If you are content with this bounty for the rest of your life, it will fill your belly," he said, then vanished. With his heart racing, Saghat leaped to his feet and took ten steps to the right from where he had been sleeping. He came across the gaping hole of the old cellar. As he scratched and dug at the rubble of the fallen fireplace, he thought: "If what the old man said is true and I find even one coin, I will eat my fill. If I find two coins, I could provide for my family. If I find three coins, I would buy a dress for my wife," he mused. The old man's promise proved true, and he found a purse right where he was told. When he opened it once, there was one coin; twice, there were two... By the time he had opened the purse a hundred times, he was overwhelmed by the sight of the coins and began to dream of building a house with a dome as grand as a palace in the heart of the Karakum desert. He forgot his hunger, his children, and even the existence of his wife in this world. With visions of riches dancing in his mind, Saghat thought to himself that he would open it a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, ..., a million times, and in that time, two weeks passed. They say that during this time, the greedy soul's heart gave out, and he departed from this world.

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Category: Education Traditions/Holidays/Table setting

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