Kingdom of Time Fairy Tale

Kingdom of Time Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Time, there ruled a king named Year. The king had four sons, each with different personalities: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each of these four sons had three children. From Spring, the king had three grandsons named Nowruz, April, and May. From Summer, he had grandsons named June, July, and August; from Autumn, he had grandsons named September, October, and November; and from Winter, he had grandsons named December, January, and February. The king decided to appoint one of his grandsons as his heir, rather than his sons. He announced that he would choose one of his grandsons to inherit the throne, stating that the heir must be knowledgeable, talented, and serve the people. All the grandsons came before King Year to showcase their knowledge and talents, each striving to outdo the others. Their impressive displays made it difficult for the king to choose an heir. After much contemplation, the king issued the following decree: — As long as my Kingdom of "Time" stands, all my grandsons shall be kings. Each of them offers their comfort and efforts for the people. Therefore, let each of my grandsons reign for thirty days! After this decree, it is said that every thirty days, the twelve grandsons of King Year would rule the kingdom, in order from oldest to youngest.

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Category: Education Family Traditions/Holidays/Table setting

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