Why can't birds talk? Fairy Tale
In ancient times, the friendship between humans and birds was strong. Birds were able to understand human speech. A golden eagle lived high in the mountains. One day, the eagle became hungry and was sitting on a high peak, watching for prey. However, it found nothing. The sunlight hit the eagle's eyes, and it fell asleep. After a while, it woke up to the sound of a bird's wings. When it looked, it saw a sparrowhawk hunting its prey. The sparrowhawk was preparing to eat at another hill. Seeing this, the eagle became very angry and almost swooped down to peck the sparrowhawk.
Without fear, the sparrowhawk said, "Eagle, what has happened to you? If you ask nicely, I will share the meat with you." The eagle replied, "I don’t need your hospitality. I just came to see how you eat the dead animal." However, as it looked at the meat, its eyes lit up with desire. The sparrowhawk laughed and said, "If this animal is dead, then what have you been watching all day?"
To this question, the eagle, feeling downcast, replied, "I didn’t see this animal. I was watching the rabbit with one eye and the deer with the other. You can't eat them. Just eat the meat in front of you, so it doesn’t spoil." The eagle and sparrowhawk started arguing fiercely. All the birds that heard their commotion gathered around. The birds began to discuss choosing a king. That king would need to resolve the fight. The birds chirped and made noise, with everyone wanting to be the king. At that moment, the eagle stepped forward and said, "I should be your king. No one flies higher than me." However, the birds disagreed, saying, "No, we don’t want you! You are too arrogant. That’s why you live on a high cliff."
Then, a bat spoke up, saying, "I want to be the king. My wings are made of skin, not feathers like yours. I can hear things from far away." The cuckoo disagreed, saying, "A bat cannot be king. It says it is a BIRD to the birds, and it is a BEAST to the beasts. Besides, it flies all night and doesn’t let us sleep. There will be no better king than me. With my song, the whole earth and the green foliage blossom." The birds also disagreed with the cuckoo, saying, "The cuckoo cannot be king. It leaves its chicks behind and abandons them."
At this point, a great debate broke out among the birds. Each bird proposed itself to be elected as king. The birds became very noisy. Hearing this, a magical black crow, sitting high in the branches of a tree, said, "Since you cannot come to an agreement, then just remain silent. Everyone wants to be king." From that moment on, the birds lost their ability to speak like humans. Thus, due to the lack of unity among the birds, they all ended up unable to speak.
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