In a deep forest, there were three friends: a turtle named Timolan (Timosha), a fox named Lesya, and a tick named Karashash. They were the best of friends and always had fun together.
One day, as summer arrived and the sun was shining brightly, Timosha, Lesya, and Karashash decided to go on an adventure. They wanted to find the tastiest berries and the most beautiful flowers in the forest.
The first step was to go to the river to get some fresh water. But then Lesya noticed that there was a tick on her neck. She panicked and exclaimed, "Oh no! Someone help me get rid of this tick!"
Since Timosha was a very kind turtle, he slowly approached her and asked, "What’s wrong, Lesya?"
Lesya showed him the tick on her neck, and Timosha immediately started thinking about how he could help her. Upon taking a closer look, he saw that it was a tick named Akshash, who looked just like Karashash.
Karashash, without any hesitation, agreed with Akshash and helped remove it from Lesya’s neck, allowing them to continue their cheerful adventure.
Along the way, they encountered many interesting events and found plenty of delicious berries and beautiful flowers. They always remembered that friendship and mutual help were the most important things in their lives.
As the sun began to set, they returned home, happy and content, ready for a good night's sleep.
Since then, Timosha, Lesya, and Karashash have always helped each other and knew that their friendship was as strong as a rock.
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