Girls Fairy Tales

Girls/Little Girls


Түймеқыз / Дюймовочка

Ертеде бір жалғыз басты әйел өмір сүріпті. Оның баласы болмапты. Бірде ол сиқыршы кемпірге барып: – Өмір бойы бір балаға зар болумен келемін. Кө... Read more


Swan - geese / Wild geese / Swans and geese

Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman. They had a daughter named Masha and a son named Ivan. Masha was the eldest, and little Ivan was the you... Read more


The Princess and the Pea

Once upon a time, there lived a prince who dreamed of marrying a true princess. In his mind, his future wife had to be of noble birth. So, the prince... Read more


Су перісі (Андерсен Г.Х.)

Бұрынғы өткен заманда ұшы-қиыры жоқ көк теңіздің тұңғиық тереңін су перілері мекен етіпті. Перілер патшасының алты қызы болыпты. Ханшалар көрген жанды... Read more


A little girl with curly hair.

Once upon a time, there lived a fox. They used to go fishing every day.   One day, a girl came to them.    - Hello! What ar... Read more


Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was very much loved by her mother. She was also her grandmother’s favorite granddaughter. One day, her grandmot... Read more


The girls who deceived the old witch.

Once upon a time, there was a wealthy man. He had a sick wife and three daughters. One day, his wife passed away. After some time, the man married ano... Read more


The Cotton Girl and the Cat

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Makta. While cleaning her house, she found a raisin and called for the cat, but the cat did not come.  ... Read more


The King's Two Daughters

Once upon a time, there were two daughters of a king. The king loved both of his daughters dearly. He provided them with everything they wanted and ra... Read more