Plants and rainbows Fairy Tale

Plants and rainbows Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, all the plants on Earth were only green. One day, it rained heavily, and the plants rejoiced and played around. They didn’t even notice when the rain stopped. Raindrops remained on the leaves, and as if wanting to play with the plants, they turned into various colors. The world became beautiful. Suddenly, the plants saw a beautiful figure laughing, playing, and rejoicing with them among the raindrops. They were amazed by its beauty.

- Who are you? - asked Alma.

- My name is Rainbow, - it said, squinting its eyes.

The Tale of Plants and the Rainbow

- How did you get into the raindrops? - Alma asked, unable to hide her surprise.

- I am not in the raindrops, I am in the sky, - said Rainbow. Alma, looking at the sky, was even more astonished.

- Oh, how beautiful you are, Rainbow! If only I could be beautiful like you, - she said with admiration. Hearing the conversation between Alma and Rainbow, Tomato said:

- I want to be beautiful too, - she said.

- I want to be beautiful as well, - Eggplant chimed in. Then Rainbow asked Alma:

- Which of my colors do you like the most?

- Your red color, - Alma replied.

The Tale of Plants and the Rainbow

- Then I will give you my red color, - said Rainbow and showered Alma with red light. Alma turned bright red like a pomegranate. She was very happy. Seeing this, Tomato said:

- I want to be red too, - she said impatiently.

- Then be red too, - Rainbow sent red light to Tomato as well. Instantly, Tomato turned bright red and was filled with joy. At that moment, Eggplant said:

- I want to be red too, - he said. Then be red, Eggplant, - Rainbow shared his red color with him too. However, Eggplant didn’t like the red color. He said, - No, I don’t want to be red. I like your blue color.

Not pleased with Eggplant’s attitude, Rainbow said:

- I cannot take back the color I gave. Here, have the blue color, - and sprinkled blue over the red color. Eggplant turned a deep blue.

- Do you like your color now? - Rainbow asked him. Eggplant, upset with Rainbow, turned his head down and sulked without saying a word. Seeing the other fruits and vegetables beautifully colored one after another, Cucumber struggled to come out from between the leaves. Pumpkin, with a proud demeanor, said slowly:

- I want to be yellow, - he said. - Then be yellow, my Pumpkin, - Rainbow sprinkled yellow over him. At that moment, a drop of yellow fell on Cucumber, who was peeking out from between the leaves. Instantly, the bright green flower on Cucumber's head turned bright yellow. Filled with joy, Cucumber sat down to admire the yellow flower on his head. However, Pumpkin did not receive the full yellow color, leaving green stripes on his body. But he liked his color very much. He told Rainbow:

- Thank you, Rainbow! I think there’s no other plant with a color like mine. I will keep this color, - he said cheerfully. Meanwhile, Watermelon, who had been sleepily watching the events around him, liked Pumpkin’s color and woke up fully. He also wanted to ask Rainbow for a beautiful color, but when he reached out, Rainbow disappeared. Watermelon remained green. Since then, he has been looking up at the sky, always waiting for the appearance of Rainbow.

The Plants and the Rainbow

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