The Fool and the Thief Fairy Tale

The Fool and the Thief Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a naive man. One day, he decided to ride a donkey and set out on his journey.
When he reached the mountain, he felt sorry for the donkey and started to walk, leading it by the reins.
Two thieves saw this.

– Let's steal the donkey, – said one thief.
– Let's do it, – replied the second thief.

The two thieves quietly approached, and one of them untied the bridle, put it on himself, and began to follow the naive man from behind.
The second thief took the donkey and left.
The naive man didn’t notice anything and kept singing as he walked along.
After a while, he turned around.
To his surprise, he saw a man where the donkey had been.

– What is this? Where did you come from? – he asked, astonished.
– I was your donkey. When I was a child, I was naughty, and my mother cursed me, saying I would become a donkey. And then I turned into a donkey.
You bought me from the market. Today, my mother should pray to God to ask for me to become human again, and I will become human again, – said the thief.

The naive man believed the thief and let him go free.

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Category: Education Animals Boys

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