Fairy Tales About Holidays and Traditions
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They had three children and five goats. One day, the eldest son decided to venture out to f... Read more
Once upon a time, there lived a rich man who had no children. Longing for a child, he eventually managed to have one. One day, while taking his horses... Read more
The king of the animals, the lion, announced a contest. He had a pot of water boiled and said: — Whoever drinks this water will receive many rew... Read more
Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a kind hedgehog and his friend. One day, the hedgehog went out for a walk in the woods and encountered a se... Read more
Баяғыда өткен заманда, хан Жәнібек тұүсында Қожыр деген бір кедей шал болыпты. Үш баласы болыпты. Күндерден күн өтеді, шалға кәрілік жетеді. Кәсіп ету... Read more
Al dar was pleased that he had sold the bad sparrow to the rich man for fifty horses and thought to himself, "I hope that pesky fellow isn't chasing a... Read more
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Time, there ruled a king named Year. The king had four sons, each with different personalities: Spring, Summer, Au... Read more
Once upon a time, there were two daughters of a king. The king loved both of his daughters dearly. He provided them with everything they wanted and ra... Read more
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and his wife. They were poor and made a living by setting traps. One day, when the old man came to check his... Read more